Monday, December 15, 2014

Creating Motivation for a Photographer.

Maybe everyone is ready to meet Merry Christmas and New Year…
Did you make some resolutions at the beginning of this year or at least did you plan something regarding photography?
Did you achieve your goals? If you have no progress yet, don’t worry – you are not alone. So many resolutions start out with enthusiasm and then slowly wither away after a few weeks (months).

Maybe you need some motivation that will push you to achieve your goals?

“When we are motivated by goals that have deep meaning, by dreams that need completion, by pure love that needs expressing, then we truly live life”. (Greg Anderson)

Motivation is defined as:
*both internal and external factors that stimulate energy and desire in people to make an effort to achieve a goal, or to be committed to a job,
* the level of desire a person has to do something.

Motivation results from the combination of  conscious and unconscious factors such as the depth of desire or the intensity of need; value of the goal.

There are two main sources of motivation: inspiration and pain.

Inspiration is defined as:
*the process of being mentally stimulated to do or to feel something,
*the provocation of the mind or emotions to a high level of activity or feeling.

Why did you begin to take photographs? You may not be able to put your feelings into words, but every photographer has a reason for taking photographs hidden somewhere within him/her.

Inspiration in photography comes from having the insightful lessons from great photographers, enjoying nature, reading books, hearing music, meeting new people, creating something new by yourself. The non-material sources of inspiration awaken the creativity inside of us and push us to improve each day. Staying connected with this source is crucial to remaining motivated as an artist.

The second source of motivation is pain.
You understand that we’re not talking about physical pain here. What we are talking about is the pain of  failure.

“Pain pushes until vision pulls”. (Dr. Michael Beckwith)

Missing a great shot because you forgot to charge a battery, disappointing your client, receiving unpleasant critic, having no creative ideas... All of these are painful experiences that we sometimes encounter as photographers.
We all feel scared when we fail. However the difference between those who make a change and those that constantly complain is the extent to which these failures impact you. To improve you need to make a change in your day to day routine. However, if photography is your passion this failure and pain of not succeeding will give you a strong source of motivation to improve.

“When you've done all you can, do just a little bit more. Any extra effort you make will draw immense leverage from all the ordinary efforts which have preceded it. That can be powerful and effective”. (Ralph Marston)

Thank you for reading!

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