Friday, November 27, 2015

6 Types of Creative Blocks and How to Overcome Them.

“Most artists have experienced creative block. We get stuck in our work. We beat our head against the wall: nothing. Sometimes, it is because we are trying something at the wrong time.”  Lukas Foss

 Creativity is defined as the use of imagination or original ideas to create something.
Synonyms of creativity are: inventiveness, imagination, innovation, originality, individuality, artistry, expressiveness, inspiration, vision.
Even if you have creative imagination it’s no guarantee that your artistic vision will always find a way to express itself, and if it’s so and you don’t make anything it could mean that you’re “blocked.”
The term “block” originally was introduced into psychoanalytic literature in 1947 by the psychoanalyst Edmund Bergler as a “writer’s block”.
Bergler noted that writer’s block may be total or partial, and its earliest manifestation may be feelings of insecurity regarding one’s creativity, the development of a certain terseness of style and looking to others for ideas for future projects.

But the feeling of insecurity regarding one’s creativity could be a problem not for the writers only, but for every creative professional. That’s why the term a “creative block” appears.

There are several types of creative blocks; therefore there are several ways to unblock them.

1. The mental block.
A mental block is either a repression of painful thoughts, or an inability to continue a train of thought.

Many people find it helpful to take a break and revisit the topic of their work.
 A tactic that is used to help people with mental blocks to learn new information is repetition.
A tactic that is used to adopt different perspectives is to ask yourself a question “What if…?”; to go to a new place or read/watch something new; to find alternative points of view.

2. The emotional block.
An emotional block is an inhibition of thought, speech due to extreme emotion.
An emotional block is an obstacle which is the result of a limiting belief in your inner self. It causes the “I’m not good enough” type of thinking that is leading to procrastination, because a “some-day” artist is better than a “failed” artist.

There are plenty of things that can help, such as routine or meditation.
Writing in a diary daily allows you to express your emotions and to move through the hard situation.

3. Personal problems.
It’s hard to concentrate on your creative work if you are getting personal problems with your health, family or friends.

You can try to solve the problem. In this case you may need the specialist’s help or the support from family or friends. Taking a short break from work in order to resolve the issue could be very useful. Have patience to let things take their course.
You can try to use your creative rituals to set your problems aside and to focus for a few hours each day on your creative work that could become an oasis of control in the midst of the chaos for you. It will help you to see your personal situation with a fresh eye.

4. Work habits that inhibit your creativity.
You need to identify the work habits that do not help you to work: opening all of your emails, multi-tasking, not completing what you start and always being available.

Step back and take a good look at how you’re working. Most of the information in emails should be filed and not read. Answer emails at set times.  Don’t try to do 10 things at once. Create work habits that support the pace and mass of what there is to do.

5. The lack of...
You could have lack of time/knowledge/equipment and or other things you need to get the creative work done.

Solution: There are two possible solutions. You can save up time/money/or other resources you need.  You can set yourself the creative challenge of achieving as much as possible within the limitations you have.

6. Having too much.
Sometimes you have too many ideas. Or you can’t choose the right equipment. Or you work too hard for too long.

Solution: Learn to make a choice. For example, if you have too many interesting projects, realize one of them and let the other ideas wait for their time.

Surely everyone solves problems differently.
 What solutions have worked for you?
Feel free to comment.

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